Jeannie Blue

Blue is a strong writer with journalistic integrity who easily has the foundation to be a “Top Critic.”

7.8 Total Score
Jeannie Blue (Cryptic Rock)

Well-written, journalistic evaluations seem to be the norm for Blue, who finds a balance between summary, evaluation and editorializing - trademarks of the best critics. Blue's breakdowns do not seem to fall into meandering guesswork or misguided opinion, but rather, she remains steadfast to her breakdowns and careful examinations as to why a movie works or does not work. While Blue isn't listed on the staff page of Cryptic Rock, we did notice that they refer to most of their writers as "journalists," which hopefully has meaning in today's world where just about anyone can start a website and call themselves a journalist or expert without any real training or education.

Quality of Writing
Journalistic Integrity
Web Ranking (Will Anyone Pay Attention?)
  • Strong writer with a journalistic approach
  • Fair, objective, supported criticism
  • Cryptic Rock doesn't rate well, if at all in web rankings, indicating it is more likely a young publication or an expanded blog, and most likely doesn't have too much traffic.
  • Not too much in the way of cons except that we would really like to see Blue build an audience as she hones her skills. On a re-evaluation, we expect to see Blue moving up the rating scale.
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