Morazzini is a self-proclaimed "movie buff" who writes in-depth reviews, and from his perspective, seemingly fair. However, in his reviews, Morazzini often likes to comment on the filmmaker's self-awareness while having no sense of his own self-awareness. At his best, his writing is mediocre, as he often results to insults and bashing and a fake insight into the industry. Morazzini often comments on the filmmaker's or industry's intention while clearly having zero perspective or understanding of how films are made or distributed.
This guy is a fanboy of his social media friends. I used to be friends on FB with him and he would constantly post rave reviews of crap movies for people on his friends list and tear apart movies for people who aren’t his social media friends. He has virtually no problem ripping apart a movie and making blanket statements about filmmaking, but clearly has no idea what he is talking about.